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Event trigger on enumerator widget selection change?


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I'm looking for a way to execute code within an Action when an enumerator widget has its selection changed.  For example, if someone changes the selection on a list of items within a user interface, a function would execute to load data for additional widgets within that same user interface.  Similar to setting a function for onchange in javascript.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Walt,

That is currently not possible. When using ftrack's simple UI functionalities available via the event hub (https://help.ftrack.com/en/articles/1040465-actions#:~:text=Read more here.-,User interface,-When an action). Using this method, no logic can be sent to change the UI dynamically and no message is sent back for you to process until the form is submitted. This makes it impossible in the current system to create a dynamic UI that refreshes "on_change".

I've submitted a feature request on your behalf for consideration by the product team.

In the short term, depending on your objectives, implementing your tool with another UI framework (standalone app, external web app embedded in ftrack or not) may be a better solution if its requirements exceed current capabilities.


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