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Fail to delete project and large amounts of data


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I've been trying to delete a (now empty) test project, but it fails every time.
From the web ui I select a project and then go to "More" where I try to delete the project, but every time I try this the following message pops up:

Additionally, when I tried to delete the root folders containing all the shots and assets within the project, the deletion would also fail.
I've had to manually delete every asset/shot, because as soon as I tried to delete a few objects at once the process would fail.

Any idea why this happens?


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I recently talked to support about increasing the verbosity of error messages.

It would help understand what happens, and why.

For example when something errors because the user does not have admin rights, a message could say  "You do not have permission to do that, here is the list of users that are allowed to do that : ..." 


This does not help you, but I felt the subject is linked.




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Thanks for the info Altarak.
I am currently an Administrator, so I think I should be able to delete a project.
I even tried adding Project Manager as a role to my user account in addition to being an Admin, but it still fails.

Indeed it would be nice to see why an event fails.


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