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Timecode into ftrack

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Hi @Alex Gumbleton

Thanks for reporting this and apologies for the delayed response here. You're absolutely right that the workflow for tracking timecode isn't ideal in ftrack today. Most studios we talk to tend to use a string as you outlined, however this loses out on functionality such as calculations, and using the projects fps to calculate timecode. 

While I've gone ahead and scope out a request for this with our team, I'd love to understand a bit more how you'd like this to work. Internally, our thinking would be, create an attribute type for timecode, this would inherit the fps of the project to accurately reflect and calculate timecode value. We'd love to hear if you, or anyone else in the community feel this would be a good path to take, or if theres anything else we are overlooking here?


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  • 6 months later...

I could see some scenarios where the timecode may be different on some shots than other for a project. Sometimes we have stock footage coming in that has a value different than what we deliver to. I think it would be very helpful to have a timecode field that could be used in calculations. The duration in frames and in timecode could be useful. Also sorting by shot length would be nice. 

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