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Difficulty with multiple UI Forms


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Hello all!

I am trying to create multiple forms that open up consecutively and parse the values from one form and use it in the next one. 

Here is the Ftrack Hiearchy structure

└-- Episode1
     └-- Sequence 1 <--- ( A ), ( B )
         └-- Shot 1
             └-- Task 1 <--- ( B )
             └-- Task 2 <--- ( B )
             └-- Task..10

I have created 2 forms. Form A and Form B. 

If I run the action on an Sequence type item it should open a Dialog Form A, and once that is submitted it should gather the values from Form A and popup another dialog, Form B. If I run the action on some selected tasks, instead of a Sequence, I would like it to skip Form A, and just open up Form B.

If I run this action on Sequence, data['values'] does not show me the values from Form B, it just tries to grab the information from Form A. How can I update data['values'] so that it gets the values from Form B?

This only works correctly if I run it on a task or selected tasks. But it does not work when I run it on a Sequence. 


In the example below, I have a line that prints data['values']. Inside the main_ui().

So I guess the question is how do I clear the data values from the first Dialog box?



class LuxCIS(object):
    '''Custom action.'''

    label = 'Create CIS'
    identifier = 'create.cis'
    description = 'Creates a sequence CIS from selected items'
    icon = 'https://static.thenounproject.com/png/2160687-200.png'

    def __init__(self, session):
        '''Initialise action.'''
        super(LuxCIS, self).__init__()
        self.session = session
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(
            __name__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__

        self.template_files = []

    def register(self):

                'topic=ftrack.action.discover and source.user.username={0}'.format(

                'topic=ftrack.action.launch and source.user.username={0} '
                'and data.actionIdentifier={1}'.format(
                    getpass.getuser(), self.identifier

                'topic=ftrack.action.launch and data.actionIdentifier={0}'.format(

    def discover(self, event):
        '''Return action config if triggered on a single asset version.'''
        data = event['data']

        # If selection contains more than one item return early since
        # this action can only handle a single version.
        selection = data.get('selection', [])
        self.logger.info('Got selection: {0}'.format(selection))
        #if len(selection) != 1 or selection[0]['entityType'] != 'assetversion':
        #    return

        return {
            'items': [{
                'label': self.label,
                'description': self.description,
                'actionIdentifier': self.identifier,
                'icon': self.icon
    def main_ui(self,event,items):

        #for i in self.items:    print i, i['name']

        #Get global ftrack settings for project and sequence from the first item
        #Get all information for each task and shot associated
        #populate a UI using the gathered information

        #master_dict = self.get_items(items)

        data = event['data']

        ui = [{
            'value': '<hr>',
            'type': 'label'
            'value': '<i><b>Hey poulate me! i found tasks!</b></i>',
            'type': 'label'
            'label': 'My Enumerator',
            'type': 'enumerator',
            'name': 'my_enumerator',
            'data': [
                    'label': 'Option 1',
                    'value': 'opt1'
                }, {
                    'label': 'Option 2',
                    'value': 'opt2'
            'value': '<hr>',
            'type': 'label'


        if 'values' in event['data']:

            # do something with values
            print data['values']

            # This should now display the values from the second UI form.

            return {
                'message':"Mission didn't fail unsuccesfully!"}

        return {'items':ui}
    def launch(self, event):
        '''Callback method for custom action.'''

        self.template_files = []


        data = event['data']

        selection = data.get('selection', [])

        session = ftrack_api.Session()

        template_files_dir = "L:/HAL/LUX_SLATE/nuke_templates"

        if os.path.isdir(template_files_dir):
            self.template_files = [i for i in os.listdir(template_files_dir) if i[-3:] == '.nk']

        #gather shot items from selection
        for entity in selection:

            item = session.query('select id from TypedContext where id is {0}'.format(entity['entityId'])).first()


        #if just 1 item is selected
        if len(items) == 1:

            #If the single selected item is a sequence, get all the tasks under the sequence
            if items[0]['object_type']['name'] == 'Sequence':

                get_task_types = session.query('select name from Task where ancestors any(id="{0}")'.format(entity['entityId'])).all()

                task_types = []

                for t in get_task_types:

                    temp_t = {'label':t['name'], 'value':t['name']}

                    if temp_t not in task_types:


                cis_sequence_settings = [{
                    'value': '<hr>',
                    'type': 'label'
                    'value': '<i><b>What type of tasks should I create the CIS from?</b></i>',
                    'type': 'label'
                    'label': 'Task Type',
                    'type': 'enumerator',
                    'value': task_types[0]['label'],
                    'name': 'cis_task_types',
                    'data': task_types
                    'value': '<hr>',
                    'type': 'label'
                if 'values' in data:

                    values = data['values']

                    task_type = values['cis_task_types']

                    items = session.query('select id from Task where name is "{1}" and ancestors any(id="{0}")'.format( entity['entityId'], task_type )).all()

                    return self.main_ui(event, items)

                return {'items':cis_sequence_settings}

            #if the item is not a sequence, could be shot, task, etc.... or even project
                return self.main_ui(event, items)

        #if more than one item is selected

            return self.main_ui(event, items)

def register(session, **kw):
    '''Register plugin.'''

    # Validate that session is an instance of ftrack_api.Session. If not,
    # assume that register is being called from an incompatible API
    # and return without doing anything.
    if not isinstance(session, ftrack_api.Session):
        # Exit to avoid registering this plugin again.

    action = LuxCIS(session)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    session = ftrack_api.Session()

    # Wait for events.


Sorry for the convuluded question, let me know if there is anything I can clarify.

Thank you very much in advance.


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I think one pssibility is to use  "hidden" item in interface items (http://ftrack.rtd.ftrack.com/en/stable/developing/actions.html#hidden), where you can store if you are in widget A or widget B so you can regonize from "values" of event which values are you procesing at the moment.

Another possibility is to register multiple callbaks. Callback A will always trigger callback B but if item is Sequence then will trigger mid-widget. Example c ode in attachment (not tested nor runned!).



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Thank you for your reply Jakub.


My problem was much simpler than I thought. I can have unlimited forms as I want, and its results always just updates the event['data']['values'] with the latest form. So once form a is done I just store the event['data']['values'] into a temp var. and then call it once i need to use it to populate the next form.



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