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Slow and unresponsive upload

Max Pareschi

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Hello all,


I'm trying to create some scripts to autoupload a batch of reference movies and link them against their respective shots.

I managet to get stuff to work, but I have two problems:

  • I need to display the upload and encoding status in % in the terminal
  • More Importantly, I need the upload to be fast, right now it takes 5 full minutes to upload 20 megs on a 100Mbit upload connection, which is soooo slow.

Most probably it's a python problem, but i'd rather not spin up my own server just to have concurrency and data updates, it wold be overkill for this kind of stuff.


I noticed that the Review upload has the progress bar embedded (also for multiple files), so there's actually a way to see the upload status,  and it's also very fast.

Any chance anyone knows how to?

This is an excerpt of my upload code

def doShotListAuto(sl):
    for row in sl:
        shot = session.create('Shot', {
            'name': row['Shot Name'],
            'parent': current_project,
            'status': default_shot_status
        asset_type = session.query('AssetType where name is "Upload"').one()
        asset = session.create('Asset', {
            'name': row['Shot Name'] + '_REF',
            'type': asset_type,
            'parent': shot
        asset_version = session.create('AssetVersion', {
            'asset': asset,
            'task': shot
        component = asset_version.create_component(
            path = row['Base Dir'] + '/' + row['Reference Movie'],
            data = {
                'name': row['Shot Name'] + '_REF'
            location = server_location
        shot['thumbnail_id'] = asset_version['thumbnail_id']






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