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Automatic population of task thumbnails from parent thumbnail?


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Thanks Carl


GUess that wasn't that clear to me in the tut. I still had osenviron.setdefaul() in ftrack.py. I had changed the values though to my values but not removed 'setdefault'.


Now it seems to work! Will take it for a spin next time there's a batch of thumbs, manually uploaded 100 this morning. Heheheh.


Thanks again



There are two ways of setting the credentials. When following the tutorial you only set them for the current file you are running.


If you instead edit 'ftrack.py' and update it to look something like:

# :coding: utf-8# :copyright: Copyright (c) ftrackimport osimport sys# Set the default ftrack server and API key variables to use if no matching# environment variables are found.os.environ['FTRACK_SERVER'] = 'https://YOUR-FTRACK-SERVER'os.environ['FTRACK_APIKEY'] = 'YOUR-API-KEY'os.environ['LOGNAME'] = 'YOUR-USERNAME'# Add ftrack core egg to path.sys.path.append(    os.path.join(        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'FTrackCore.egg'    ))# Import core ftrack functionality from egg into top level namespace.from FTrackCore import *

When modified and saved try to run the simple test case again:

import ftrackprint ftrack.getProjects()

If that works try to run the Action again:

python batch_upload_thumbnails_action.py

Let me know how it goes.



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I have to agree with Henrik.


It's nice that we can run actions when we want. But for most of the studio that don't have any developers, these things could simply be included as hooks in ftrack connect, so as soon as connect is installed, Actions get loaded as well, rather than having to run them as a separate python process. 

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Great that you got it working, Henrik!


We're currently working on how to simply the use of Actions together with Connect making it easier to add new Actions to Connect without the need of having knowledge in Python scripts.

I've started a new topic here to continue the discussion on this: http://forum.ftrack.com/index.php?/topic/356-actions-connect/




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If a shot is in a sequence it does not find it. You have to have them in the root of the project. How can one deal with this? We ran into this when doing a custom uploader and version updater as well. There must be some way to recursively search a project for a shot name so you can then manipulate it. Or?

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+1 on the original topic of this post. When versions start to get published, the thumbnail of that version should propigate up the tree until it hits something that already has a thumbnail.


In addition to that default behavior, it would be nice to have an option in the settings that version thumbnails overwrite task and shot thumnails automatically even if a previous thumb exists.

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