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Everything posted by mitch.s

  1. Removing a 'Note_Component' Removing the component itself works fine. I query the component by id to get the existing_component ; server_location = session.query('Location where name is "ftrack.server"').one() existing_component = session.query('Component where id is {0}'.format(COMPONENT_ID)).one() server_location.remove_component(existing_component) session.commit() #must close after remove ! session.close() but it seems like some data still remains in the Note_Component (a Note_Component without a Component ?) Do I need to clean this up by hand or is there a more straightforward method? If by hand, how?
  2. Right. We see notes as subtasks for tasks. The main difference may be that subtasks can't be planned in advance while tasks can. Differentiating dones and todos in the subtasks(retakes) is very important. (artists don't like searching for retakes, it has to be 'in your face') At CC we we work with color coding. Todo retakes are marked red, unformatted ones are done. The method is very primitive but works fine. Even on a spreadsheet cluttered with retakes, the todo's are detected 'at a glance' ! This is one of the reasons I asked for rich text notes in another thread on this forum (as a workaround for notes with status). The challenge is to streamline the whole thing.
  3. this doesn't apply to trivial notes like : 'Shot started', 'Good job!' or 'You're fired', ... Notes are really useful because they contain the description of specific retakes: 'Evenly space edges on fingers', 'add loop in elbows', 'Setup Reference contains keys on eyes', ... Several retakes may also be grouped in one note. This is why it would be useful to have a status on notes so that a resource/supervisor can see what retakes are done, are in progress or still need to be done. Filtering on those stati would be very helpful Maybe you have a different idea on how to implement retakes (description and follow up throughout the versions). If you do, we'd like to know how One thing is for sure the description and status of a specific retake (not just a version) must be clearly visible and easily queryable. Forgetting a retake because it wasn't clearly visible (between all other notes) or queryable is not an option.
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