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Mattias Lagergren

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Posts posted by Mattias Lagergren

  1. Hi! I agree and can see that this is confusing. We will look into clarifying what is happening; for larger projects the bid, worked, +/-, status progress and other columns are not actually loaded until you expand something. This is for performance reasons but does also impact the summaries.

    We will see if we can make this clear and show something else instead of "0.0".

  2. Hi and thank you all for your feedback. We understand the motivation for validating input and will take this into consideration for future development. As I understand it and what I've heard from other customers is that the project code, but also shot / asset / task names should be validated.

    A suggestion in the first post is to have a regexp to control this, what do you think about this? Would that be enough for your use-cases?



    I'm a bit confused as to the the ftrack.validate event subscription seems to remain in the documentation. I won't have a chance to test this for a while, but Project Code validation is a huge need for us, and the current docs seem to indicate this is possible...?
    Scrolling to the bottom, I see the ftrack.validate topic listed. Are we saying if I set up an event listener for this topic I won't get anything?

    Thank you for highlighting this. The ftrack.validate event is deprecated and we will make sure to remove it from the documentation.

  3. Hi Remus, as of now it is not possible to do this but using the API and event listeners you could achieve a workaround to achieve what you are looking for.

    E.g. listening to ftrack.update events for when a new asset is published and sending a Message to the supervisor. The message can pop up in the Inbox or sent as a mail. Let me know if you want to work in this direction and if I can help you more

  4. No updates as of now - as an additional workaround, have you looked into writing a message (note without parent) to the user? This should trigger a notification

    note = session.create('Note', { 'content': 'hey', 'user_id': author_user_id})
    sesssion.create('Recipient', { 'note_id': note['id'], 'resource_id': target_user_id })


  5. It is true as you say, Task, Milestone (and other object types) are modelled as tasks in the backend. But for filtering we are locking a filter to a specific object type and as of now it is not possible to mix them with an ANY condition.

    We're currently developing a new view where you can list items from different projects (to be released within a few months). One of the use-cases that we consider is similar to the one you mentioned here, so listing Milestones and Tasks together with a filter like that could be possible (but it is still under development so not set in stone).

  6. On 6/1/2018 at 10:05 AM, INFECTED said:

    In a large project Producers or Lead artist don't necessarily need to assign all tasks to a specific user. The freedom of saying for example these are alle the 3D modelling tasks and i assign them to the 3D modelers group seems very nice.  These tasks then appear under the 'available task' column in the my task view for everyone in this group and if a 3D modeler drags a task to another column 'in progress' for example it gets assigned to him/her directly and disappears from the 'available task column for everyone else. So they just work through the pile as they like.

    Makes sense, would the 3d modellers group in this case be a group on that project? I.e. a subset of all 3d modellers in the Studio, that are now working on this project

  7. I think that are two purposes:

    1. For communication; to keep track of that the object (and containing tasks) should be tackled by the users in the allocated group.
    2. The user selector when assigning tasks are restricted to the users in that group.

    Btw. Our Producer all thought that this would assign all the task inside the object to all the users in the group or make the task available to them and they can select task from the object themselves and i actually think that's a good idea?!

    This makes sense and is something that we've discussed internally but never got to investigate further.

  8. On 5/24/2018 at 2:25 AM, kristing said:

    Currently the timesheet/time logger views allow you to select a Milestone in the Tasks drop-down if you are assigned to it. Given Milestones don't have "Log time" or "Show logged time" in their More menu, it seems as though this is a bug. If it's not, it would be useful to be able to designate what entities a user may log time to -- Task, Milestone, Shot, etc -- to have more control of timelogs.

    Thank you for reporting, I was not aware of this and at the moment we've restricted time-logging to task and this sounds like a bug.

  9. Hi Tim,

    Sorry for the confusion on this - you're correct, the id is wrong when accessed from the sidebar. To work around this you can do the following:

    if '_' in entityId
    	realId, junk = entityId.split('_')

    As for the entityType - this is old style entity type from the backend. Instead of using 'task' you would want to use 'TypedContext' on the session:

    session.get('TypedContext', realId)


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