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Damien Keraudren

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  1. Hello everyone, I was wondering if it was possible to modify how actions are displayed in the ftrack action menu. Currently it's looking something like this. It's fine when you have up to 10 actions displayed, but when you have 15 and more it's starting to get messy. I know that you can group action by giving the same label and specify a variant, but it's not really so easy for newcommers to know that if you want to play a specific component you need to click one more time on a specific "folder" which look exactly like other action before hovering it with your mouse. And when you use a lot an action, if it's a variant, each time you want to use your action, you need one more click to open the action's variants. The idea is to modify the all action menu and create other submenu that could be your action label and inside it, find all your variants directly. We could push the idea event further by modifying the size of the action logo to display more action in the window.
  2. Hi everyone, I have an event listener running on my machine. Some action events trigger some python code running locally. I wanted to send a notification on ftrack after launching an action to say that the event was correctly received and was treated. I tried to publish an event with the topic ftrack.action.trigger-user-interface. The event is sent but doesn't seem to be received. Is my code wrong, or this event can only be published inside an action and not remotely ? def action_rooting(event): user_id = event['source']['user']['id'] triggerInterface = ftrack_api.event.base.Event(topic='ftrack.action.trigger-user-interface', data=dict(type='message', success=True, message='test message'), target='applicationId=ftrack.client.web and user.id="{0}"'.format(user_id)) sessionFT.event_hub.publish(triggerInterface, on_error='raise') sessionFT.event_hub.subscribe('topic=ftrack.action.launch', action_rooting) sessionFT.event_hub.wait()
  3. So after some tryings, I got it to work, the problem wasn't in the discover method, i just forgot the of class when i copy paste from my base action
  4. it was something like this @Lorenzo Angeli def discover(self, session, entities, event): '''Return True if only one asset version is selected, else the action don't show up''' if len(entities) != 1: return False entity_type, entity_id = entities[0] if entity_type == 'AssetVersion': query = 'AssetVersion where id = {}'.format(entity_id) av = session.query(query).first() components = av['components'] for component in components: if component['name'] == 'main': return True return False
  5. Hi @Lorenzo Angeli Thanks, I was searching a way since this morrning and I found about variant just after posting on the forum^^
  6. Hi, I want to show an action only if the asset have a specific component, I tried a for loop in the discover method returning True if a component name match the component i'm looking for, but it doesn't seems to work. Is this something possible and I'm doing it the wrong way or not possible at all ?
  7. Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to organise actions inside folders or from an action launching a widget showing more actions. When you have 10+ actions on somes assets it's sometimes takes time to find the right one. For example instead of showing 5 action to play different components I have only one folder or action called play and when you click on it it's showing the action to play the component that you want
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