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Mani Varma

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Mani Varma last won the day on April 7 2022

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  1. Is there anyway to restore an User Account that got accidentally removed/deleted, through API or other means?
  2. Yes, they have access to the Project. The account role is set to Team Lead with access to all Open Projects, and the Project is not set to Private either. Tested out using another object criteria ReviewSessionInvitee, user = session.query("ReviewSessionInvitee where email is '{0}'".format(user_email)).first() This returned nothing either. Does having an email set, removing it and then adding again cause this issue?
  3. Thanks for the reply. Well for Project permissions, everything is turned on except for Delete project. I think Client Review session require an email address without which it simply says - Oops, could not find anything here! So a workaround to join the review session without email would help as well.
  4. Hi, I'm trying to add an Email address to a User but ftrack displays an error that another User or Collaborator with some User ID has the same username or email. There is no User with that specific email address so it might be listed under Collaborator. Searched the ID through Python API but there were no results, user = session.query("User where id is '{0}'".format(user_id)).one() The specific user account has trouble opening Client Review session and my guess was due to lack of an email address which I have trouble adding. Need suggestions and is there any way to search for Collaborator?
  5. Found it in one of the documentation and it worked. I was trying to subscribe to ftrack.widget.update before which didn't work out as expected. https://help.ftrack.com/en/articles/1040449-custom-widgets window.addEventListener('message', function (event) { var content = event.data; console.debug('Got ' + content.topic + ' event.', content); if (content.topic === 'ftrack.widget.load') { //Store credentials for later. window.credentials = content.data.credentials; } else if (content.topic === 'ftrack.widget.update') { // Load new data. } }, false);
  6. Mani Varma

    Refresh Widget

    Hi, Recently I was testing out ways to write custom dashboard widgets for projects and it is working great. A slight problem being it doesn't refresh automatically like the other inbuilt widgets. I end up having to refreshing the entire page each time an entity is selected or when switching to another project for the widget to recalculate. Any suggestions to handle the automatic update? Options to let the widget know a different entity has been selected.
  7. Hi, I'm looking for a way to set location in JavaScript API when creating new component using session.createComponent(), it's using ftrack.server by default. While writing code using Python API, the method allowed using auto to use the location set on priority. Is there a way to set location like that during createComponent()? asset_version.create_component(component, data={"name": filename}, location="auto")
  8. Hi @Lorenzo Angeli We are using Maya 2018 which has Python 2.7.11. I switched to Connect 1.1.2 and the problem still persists. This issue didn't happen at first but has grown in numbers, ftrack never loads once the error shows up for the first time.
  9. Hello, Recently we've been facing issues with the ftrack plugin not loading up along with Maya instead an error message on Maya Console "SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED". After this the plugin never loads on the specific machine, it's the same error all the time. Adding the error message below, is there anyway to get past this?
  10. Hi, I cooked up a script to delete File Component from Note's belonging to a specific Project and has worked out fine, but it doesn't seem to reflect on Ftrack Storage Usage. Query for NoteComponent doesn't return anything anymore and I don't understand where NoteComponent get it's storage space from if it's not in Ftrack Storage. def get_filter_string(entity_ids): return ', '.join( '"{0}"'.format(entity_id) for entity_id in entity_ids ) note_entities = [] project_component = session.query('select name, descendants from Project where id is "{0}"'.format( entity_id )).one() note_entities.append(project_component['id']) for hierarchy_item in project_component['descendants']: note_entities.append(hierarchy_item['id']) note_components = session.query('select component, component.file_type, component.name ' 'from NoteComponent where note.parent_id in ({0})'.format( get_filter_string(note_entities) )).all() # Download happens from note_components information then delete. for note_component in note_components: session.delete(note_component['component']) session.commit()
  11. Hi, I'm trying to create an Action to launch a tree widget similar to the one used to create Links between Objects. This is to help me copy Task structure from another Project. I tried querying all descendant items from a Project but it's taking a little bit of time and the Links widget seems to be pretty fast and is structured in a hierarchy. I couldn't find any straight answer to use a widget with Python Actions. If it can't be done this way, is there any other way to copy structure? Because we do it so often it would be easier to have a quick shortcut without going back and forth. Task Templates is not helping much since it seems to create only Tasks without any hierarchy.
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