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Mattias Seebergs

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Everything posted by Mattias Seebergs

  1. Hej Henryk, I think this is what you are looking for: https://github.com/ftrackhq/ftrack-web-widget/blob/main/src/ftrackWidget.ts#L86 Hope that helps!
  2. Hey Nora - just uncheck the 'Enable account' checkbox when creating a user, and the user will be available as a dummy assignee/user. Hope this helps!
  3. Sorry for the delay on this, Jason. I didn't fully understand the queries there so I thought I'd help you with a query that simply returns all shots that have at least one task on it: shots = session.query( 'Shot where children any (object_type.name is "Task") ' f'and project_id is "<project_id>"' ).all() You could get the ID of the project from the selection in the previous example. Next step from here would be to just iterate over those shots and do the disk operations. Hope this helps!
  4. Not sure I follow with the 'shots = None' variable, shots do have a `children` property if that helps? If you could share a minimal example and explain a bit more what you are aiming to do, then I'd be happy to help further.
  5. Hey Nick! Assuming that you want to publish an mp4 for review online, the file is uploaded automatically as part of the call to create_component (which is calling add_component on the location you want to use). Hope this helps! Cheers, Mattias
  6. Hi Jason! What you are looking for is the `selection` variable, I had a little snippet doing something similar that I've modified slightly for you below. It's not complete but it does at least show the concept. Hope this helps! def launch(self, session, entities, event): selection = event['data']['selection'] if len(selection) == 1: entity = selection[0] task = None try: task = session.query( f'Task where id is \"{entity["entityId"]}\"' ).one() except Exception as e: return { 'success': False, 'message': 'An error occurred.' } if task: return { 'success': True, 'message': f'Task name: {task["name"]}' } return False
  7. Hi Milan, Currently it is not possible to change via the web interface after the project has been created. There is however a feature request ticket on that and another ticket on a way to duplicate a schema. You could maybe try changing it via the API but it is not supported at the moment and you try at your own risk. Thanks, Mattias
  8. Yes you're right. You should receive desktop notifications for everything you get to your inbox. It sounds like it is some setting in your Chrome that blocks this, can you please test if the notifications are working in Firefox or Safari on your computer?
  9. If it says "Desktop notifications on" then you have desktop notifications enabled. How do you test if this is working or not? Make sure you have "Internal notification" added to the types you would like notifications on, have a look at http://support.ftrack.com/customer/portal/articles/1063722-notifications The settings on that page determines what you will get in your Inbox and what will be sent as desktop notifications.
  10. Hi Michele, I agree, I can clearly see this as a great improvement to the bookmark system. I will add a feature request ticket to our backlog. Thanks!
  11. Hi Aline, We're using the built-in Web Notifications API available in most modern browsers. Please make sure you haven't accidentally added any of ftrack's addresses to the exceptions list and that you are using one of the following supported browsers: Chrome version 22+Firefox version 22+Safari version 6+It is not supported in Internet Explorer yet. Let me know if you need more assistance.
  12. Hi Bryan, Unfortunately not at the moment. I have added a feature request ticket to add this in a coming version. Thanks, Mattias
  13. Hi Milan, Are you looking for this option? Cheers
  14. Hi Kat, We actually had this on the roadmap when developing the notifications system. Since then we haven't considered it though, but it is definitely something we would like to consider investigating if you are interested in it. We just had a quick discussion now and the way we would like to solve it is to add this as a setting on the manager types, like a setting saying what task types that specific manager type will get notifications about. Let me know what you think.
  15. Hi Daniel, Unfortunately it is not possible to export at the moment. We have had a quick look at it before but not taken it any further yet, but I will add to the ticket that you are interested in it. Best Regards Mattias
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