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  1. The code i changed: deadline repo: \submission\FTrack\Main FTrackAPI.py Only my addition: class FTrackTask( FTrack ): def __init__( self, task ): super( FTrackTask, self ).__init__( rawObject=task ) self._id = None self._name = None self._description = None self._status = None self._project = None self._parent = None self._assets = None ###Added by me self._parentName = None @property def parentName( self ): if self._parentName == None: self._parentName = self.raw['parent']['name'] return self._parentName ### END of EDIT, leave the rest as it is FTrackUI.py def updateTasks( self, taskList ): #ignore None value if taskList != None: #update cache selectedProjKey = self.GetValue( "ProjectBox" ) self.cachedTasks[ selectedProjKey ] = taskList newTaskDict = {} foundDefault = False for task in taskList: pathNames = [task.name] taskKey = " / ".join( pathNames ) ### MY EDIT taskKey += " [shot: %s]" % task.parentName if taskKey in newTaskDict: #already a task with this name, append the key to stay unique taskKey += " [shot: %s]" % task.parentName ###EDIT END
  2. I altered the deadline scripts and now get the tasklist how i would it expect to work:
  3. I found out the following, Deadline gathers the list of tasks assigned to current user and if they have the same name like "Animation" it adds the taskkey/ID to stay unique. As we never used Deadline to Ftrack i am not sure how this should look like normally. If i remember an older version right, there was the hierarchy present int the task selection list like: "Shot_1/Animation" "Shot_2/Lighting" and so on ?
  4. Hi there, i updated Ftrack local install to the current relaese (4.7.2)and Deadline also to When i want to submit for instance an nuke job that publishes a new version to ftrack, i get internal IDs as selection list and not the task names, please have a look at the Screenshot. I guess Thinkbox did something wrong with the API but i hope someone could help me on this. Thanks, Andy
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